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trial noun

  /ˈtɹaɪəl/ , [tɹaɪəl]
  • A meeting or series of meetings in a court of law at which evidence is presented to a judge (and sometimes a jury) to allow them to decide on a legal matter (especially whether an accused person is guilty of a crime).
Prozess, Gerichtsverhandlung, Versuch, Probe, Prüfung
  • A difficult or annoying experience or person; (especially, religion) such an experience seen as a test of faith and piety.
Probe, Prüfung, Belästigung, Kummer, Sorge, Strapaze
  • (archaic) The action of trying (to do) something, especially more than once. (This sense is still current in the expression trial and error.)
Versuch, Probe, Prüfung

trial verb

  /ˈtɹaɪəl/ , [tɹaɪəl]
  • (transitive) To carry out a series of tests on (a new product, procedure etc.) before marketing or implementing it.

trial adjective

  /ˈtɹaɪəl/ , [tɹaɪəl]
  • Attempted on a provisional or experimental basis.
  • Pertaining to a trial or test.
probeweise, testweise

trial adjective

  /ˈtɹaɪəl/ , [tɹaɪəl]
  • (grammar) Pertaining to a language form referring to three of something, like people. (See Ambai language for an example.)

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Trial noun {n}

Trial, Trials   /ˈtʁaɪ̯əl/
  • Wettbewerb, in dem die Geschicklichkeit des Fahrers eines Fahrzeuges auf die Probe gestellt wird

Trial noun {m}

Trial, Triale   /tʁiˈaːl/ , /tʁiˈʔaːl/ , /ˈtʁiːaːl/
  • Linguistik, Flexion: Numerus, der eine Dreizahl bezeichnet
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