🇬🇧 en nl 🇳🇱

base noun

  /beɪs/ , /beːs/
  • (chemistry) Any of a class of generally water-soluble compounds that turn red litmus blue and react with acids to form salts.
  • A permanent structure for housing military personnel and material.
basis, kazerne
  • Something from which other things extend; a foundation.
  • (geometry) The lowest side of a triangle or other polygon, or the lowest face of a cone, pyramid or other polyhedron laid flat.
  • The starting point of a logical deduction or thought; basis.
basis, vertrekpunt
  • The place where decisions for an organization are made; headquarters.
basis, hoofdkwartier
  • (baseball) One of the four places that a runner can stand without being subject to being tagged out when the ball is in play.
  • (heraldry) The lowest third of a shield (or field), or an ordinary occupying this space, the champagne. (Compare terrace..)

base verb

  /beɪs/ , /beːs/
  • (transitive) To give as its foundation or starting point; to lay the foundation of.
baseren, zich baseren op

basis noun

  /ˈbeɪ.sɪs/ , /ˈbæɪ.sɪs/
  • A starting point, base or foundation for an argument or hypothesis.
  • An underlying condition or circumstance.
  • (linear algebra) In a vector space, a linearly independent set of vectors spanning the whole vector space.

based adjective

  • Founded on; having a basis; often used in combining forms.
gebaseerd, onderbouwd

based adjective

  • (slang, of a person) Not caring what others think about one's personality, style, or behavior; focused on maintaining individuality.

baseness noun

  • The quality or condition of being base.
  • The quality of being unworthy to hold virtues or value.

🇳🇱 nl en 🇬🇧

base noun

  /bazə/ , /bes/
  • (scheikunde) een stof die een of meer hydroxylgroepen bevat en in een waterige oplossing OH-ionen afsplitst: arrheniusbase
  • (scheikunde) een ion of molecuul dat de neiging heeft een proton op te nemen: brønstedbase
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