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handling noun

  /ˈhændlɪŋ/ , /ˈhændl̩ɪŋ/
  • A touching, controlling, managing, using, take care of, etc., with the hand or hands, or as with the hands.
Handhabung, Bedienung, Handling, Umgang
  • A criminal offence, the trade in stolen goods.

handle noun

  /ˈhæn.dl̩/ , /ˈhɛən.dl̩/
  • The part of an object which is (designed to be) held in the hand when used or moved.
Henkel, Griff, Stiel, Schaft
  • (US) A half-gallon (1.75-liter) bottle of alcohol.
2-Liter-Spirituosenflasche, Zweiliterflasche
Alias, Deckname, Spitzname
  • (computing) A reference to an object or structure that can be stored in a variable.
Bezeichner, Identifikator
  • (gambling) The gross amount of wagering within a given period of time or for a given event at one of more establishments.
Einnahmen aus Spieleinsätzen, Klinke
  • An instrument for effecting a purpose (either literally or figuratively); a tool, or an opportunity or pretext.
Gelegenheit, Handhabe, Hebel
  • (textiles) The tactile qualities of a fabric, e.g., softness, firmness, elasticity, fineness, resilience, and other qualities perceived by touch.

handle verb

  /ˈhæn.dl̩/ , /ˈhɛən.dl̩/
  • (transitive) To manage, control, or direct.
abfertigen, abhandeln, erledigen, fertigwerden mit, umgehen mit
  • (transitive, rare) To accustom to the hand; to take care of with the hands.
an die Hand gewöhnen
  • (transitive) To manage, use, or wield with the hands.
bedienen, hantieren (mit), umgehen mit
  • (transitive) To touch; to feel or hold with the hand(s).
befühlen, berühren

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Handling noun {n}

Handling   /ˈhɛndlɪŋ/
  • Steuerbarkeit eines Fahrzeugs
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