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cancel verb

  /ˈkæn.sl̩/ , [ˈkɛən.sl̩ ~ ˈkeən.sl̩]
  • (transitive) To invalidate or annul something.
stornieren, annullieren, streichen, abbestellen, absagen, canceln
  • (transitive, mathematics) To remove a common factor from both the numerator and denominator of a fraction, or from both sides of an equation.
  • (transitive) To offset or equalize something.
aufheben, auslöschen
  • (transitive) To cross out something with lines etc.
durchstreichen, ausstreichen, kanzellieren
  • (transitive, neologism) To cease to provide financial or moral support to (someone deemed unacceptable); to disinvite. Compare cancel culture.
abstempeln, canceln, entwerten, kanzellieren
  • (slang) To kill.
  • (transitive, media) To stop production of a programme.

cancellation noun

  • The act, process, or result of cancelling; as, the cancellation of certain words in a contract, or of the contract itself.
Absage, Kündigung, Aufhebung, Stornierung, Streichung, Widerruf

cancelled adjective

  • No longer planned or scheduled.
abbestellt, abgebrochen, abgesagt



cancellous adjective

  • (anatomy, of bone) Having low density and strength but high surface area, of the kind that fills the inner cavity of long bones.

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canceln verb

cancel/cancele/cancle, cancelte, habe gecancelt   /ˈkɛnt͡sl̩n/
  • von einer Zusage oder einem Vertrag einseitig zurücktreten
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