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flush adjective

  • Smooth, even, aligned; not sticking out.
eben, auf gleicher Höhe, bündig, eingelassen, flach, flächenbündig
  • Wealthy or well off.
reich, vermögend, wohlhabend

flush verb

  • (intransitive) To become suffused with reddish color due to embarrassment, excitement, overheating, or other systemic disturbance, to blush.
erröten, rot werden
  • (transitive) To cleanse by flooding with generous quantities of a fluid.
  • (intransitive, of a toilet) To be cleansed by being flooded with generous quantities of water.
spülen, abspritzen, ausspülen, durchspülen, hinunterspülen
  • (transitive) Particularly, to cleanse a toilet by introducing a large amount of water.
spülen, abspülen, abziehen, ausspülen, durchspülen
  • (transitive, computing) To clear (a buffer or cache) of its contents.
(völlig) entleeren, leeren
  • (masonry) To fill in (joints); to point the level; to make them flush.
abziehen, auffüllen, hineinspülen, verfugen, verfüllen
  • To cause to be full; to flood; to overflow; to overwhelm with water.
bewässern, durchfließen, durchströmen, erregen, erröten lassen, fließen
  • To flow and spread suddenly; to rush.
durchfließen, durchströmen, fließen, rauschen, strömen
  • To show red; to shine suddenly; to glow.
erglühen, erröten

flush noun

  • A suffusion of the face with blood, as from fear, shame, modesty, or intensity of feeling of any kind; a blush; a glow.
Spülung, Erröten, Errötung, Hautrötung, Rotwerden, Röte
  • Particularly, such a cleansing of a toilet.
Spülung, Spülen, Wasserspülung
  • A sudden flood or rush of feeling; a thrill of excitement, animation, etc.
Aufwallung, Fieberanfall, Wallung
  • A sudden flowing; a rush which fills or overflows, as of water for cleansing purposes.
Durchspülen, Durchströmen, Schwall, Spülen, Spülung, Strömung
  • Any tinge of red colour like that produced on the cheeks by a sudden rush of blood.
Röte, Rötung

flush verb

  • (transitive) To cause to take flight from concealment.
  • (intransitive) To take suddenly to flight, especially from cover.
auffliegen, aufjagen, aufscheuchen

flush noun

  • (poker) A hand consisting of all cards with the same suit.
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