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straight adjective

  • Not crooked, curly, or bent; having a constant direction throughout its length. [from 14th c.]
  • (engineering, of an internal-combustion engine) Having all cylinders in a single straight line; in-line.
  • (slang, sex work) Related to conventional sexual intercourse.
straight, gewöhnlich, hetero, konventionell, normal
  • (of a path, trajectory, etc.) Direct, undeviating. [from 15th c.]
aufrecht, aufrichtig, direkt, offen, ungeschminkt
  • (colloquial) Conventional; mainstream; socially acceptable. [from 20th c.]
gewöhnlich, konventionell, normal
  • In proper order; as it should be. [from 19th c.]
ordentlich, rechtschaffen, so wie es sich gehört
  • Of spirits: undiluted, unmixed; neat. [from 19th c.]
pur, rein, unverdünnt

straight noun

  • (poker) Five cards in sequence.

straight adverb

  • Of a direction relative to the subject, precisely; as if following a direct line.



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straight adjective

  • eine sexuelle Orientierung auf das andere Geschlecht aufweisend oder sich hierauf beziehend
  • sich geradlinig, beharrlich und direkt verhaltend
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