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spot verb

  /spɑt/ , /spɒt/
  • (transitive) To remove, or attempt to remove, a stain.
  • (transitive) To see, find; to pick out, notice, locate, distinguish or identify.
vinden, bemerken, opmerken
  • (ambitransitive) To stain; to leave a spot (on).
bevlekken, maken, vlek
lenen, matsen
  • (transitive, gymnastics, dance, weightlifting, climbing) To support or assist a maneuver, or to be prepared to assist if safety dictates.

spot noun

  /spɑt/ , /spɒt/
  • A round or irregular patch on the surface of a thing having a different color, texture etc. and generally round in shape.
  • A stain or disfiguring mark.
vlek, plek
  • A small, unspecified amount or quantity.
beetje, hap
  • A location or area.
plaats, plek
  • A pimple, papule or pustule.
  • (US, advertising) A brief advertisement or program segment on television.
reclamespot, spot
  • A bright lamp; a spotlight.
spot, straler



spotted adjective

  /ˈspɑtɪ̈d/ , /ˈspɒtɨd/ , [ˈspɑɾɪ̈d]
  • (no comparative or superlative) Characterized by spots (used especially of animals and plants).

🇳🇱 nl en 🇬🇧

spot noun

  • de handeling van het spotten
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