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bar noun

  • (chemia, chemiczny) pierwiastek chemiczny o symbolu Ba i liczbie atomowej 56;
  • (gastronomia) lokal gastronomiczny, w którym spożywa się ciepłe posiłki lub pije alkohole;
  • (fizyka, fizyczny) jedna z jednostek ciśnienia;
  • (gastronomia) miejsce w lokalu, przy którym odbiera się lub konsumuje posiłki lub alkohol



🇬🇧 en pl 🇵🇱

bar noun

  /baː/ , /bɑɹ/ , /bɑː/ , [bɑɹ] , [bɑ˞]
  • (mathematics) The sign indicating that the characteristic of a logarithm is negative, conventionally placed above the digit(s) to show that it applies to the characteristic only and not to the mantissa.
  • (music) A vertical line across a musical staff dividing written music into sections, typically of equal durational value.
bar, knajpa, gospoda, piwiarnia
  • The counter of such premises.
  • A counter, or simply a cabinet, from which alcoholic drinks are served in a private house or a hotel room.
  • (law, metonym, "the Bar", "the bar") Collectively, lawyers or the legal profession; specifically applied to barristers in some countries, but including all lawyers in others.
adwokatura, palestra

bar verb

barred   /baː/ , /bɑɹ/ , /bɑː/ , [bɑɹ] , [bɑ˞]
  • To imprint or paint with bars, to stripe.
bar, knajpa, gospoda, piwiarnia
  • (transitive) To obstruct the passage of (someone or something).
bar, adwokatura, palestra
  • (transitive) To prohibit.
  • (transitive) To lock or bolt with a bar.
adwokatura, palestra

bar noun

  /baː/ , /bɑɹ/ , /bɑː/ , [bɑɹ] , [bɑ˞]
  • A non-SI unit of pressure equal to 100,000 pascals, approximately equal to atmospheric pressure at sea level.

bars noun

  • (sports) An event in gymnastics using bars.


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Bar properNoun

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