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one numeral

  /oʊn/ , /w/ , /wan/ , /wɒn/ , /wʌn/ , /ɔːn/ , [wän] , [wən]
  • The number represented by the Arabic numeral 1; the numerical value equal to that cardinal number.
un, une

one noun

  /oʊn/ , /w/ , /wan/ , /wɒn/ , /wʌn/ , /ɔːn/ , [wän] , [wən]
  • The digit or figure 1.
  • (mathematics) The identity element with respect to multiplication in a ring.
  • (US) A one-dollar bill.
billet d’un dollar

one determiner

  /oʊn/ , /w/ , /wan/ , /wɒn/ , /wʌn/ , /ɔːn/ , [wän] , [wən]
  • A single.
un, une
  • Being an unknown person with the specified name; see also "a certain".
un, une, un certain
  • Being a preeminent example.
  • Used for emphasis in place of a

one pronoun

  /oʊn/ , /w/ , /wan/ , /wɒn/ , /wʌn/ , /ɔːn/ , [wän] , [wən]
  • (impersonal pronoun, indefinite) One thing (among a group of others); one member of a group.
un, l'un, l'une, une
  • (indefinite personal pronoun) Any person (applying to people in general).
on, un

on preposition

  /ɑn/ , /ɒn/ , /ɔn/ , /ɔʊn/
  • Positioned at the upper surface of, touching from above.
  • With verbs describing an action of hitting, rubbing, scratching, binding against, etc., designates the thing impacted or contacted.
sur, au-dessus
  • Denoting performance or action by contact with the surface, upper part, or outside of anything; hence, by means of; with.
  • Dealing with the subject of; about; concerning.
sur, au sujet de, à propos de
  • To the account or detriment of; denoting imprecation or invocation, or coming to, falling, or resting upon.
avec, grâce à, pour, à propos de

on adverb

  /ɑn/ , /ɒn/ , /ɔn/ , /ɔʊn/
  • Along, forwards (continuing an action).

on adjective

  /ɑn/ , /ɒn/ , /ɔn/ , /ɔʊn/
  • In the state of being active, functioning or operating.
  • (informal) Destined; involved, doomed.

oneness noun

  • (uncountable) State of being one or undivided; unity.

-on suffix

  • (physics, maths, and, biology) Forming nouns denoting subatomic particles (proton), quanta (photon), molecular units (codon), or substances (interferon).
  • (biology, genetics) Forming names of things considered as basic or fundamental units, such as codon or recon.

-one suffix

  • a ketone
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