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place noun {f}

  • Espace, lieu public, découvert et environné de bâtiments
square, public square, plaza, piazza
  • Lieu, endroit, espace qu’occupe ou que peut occuper une personne, une chose
place, site, spot, location, venue
  • (Par extension) Dignité, charge, emploi qu’une personne occupe
job, position, office, post, appointment, capacity



placer verb

  • Situer ; mettre dans un lieu
put, place

🇬🇧 en fr 🇫🇷

place noun

  /pleɪs/ , [pl̥eɪs]
  • A location or position in space.
place, lieu, endroit
  • An open space, particularly a city square, market square, or courtyard.
  • Any area of the earth: a region.
  • The position of a contestant in a competition.
  • Ordinal relation; position in the order of proceeding.
  • The area one occupies, particularly somewhere to sit.
place, lieu
  • The position as a member of a sports team.
  • Numerically, the column counting a certain quantity.
place, endroit
  • An area of the body, especially the skin.
endroit, place

place verb

  /pleɪs/ , [pl̥eɪs]
  • (ergative) To earn a given spot in a competition; to rank at a certain position ((often followed by an ordinal)).
placer, mettre, poser, arriver, se placer
  • (transitive) To recruit or match an appropriate person for a job, or a home for an animal for adoption, etc.
faire, placer
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