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break verb

  /bɹeɪk/ , /bɹiːk/ , [bɹ(ʷ)eɪ̯k]
  • (intransitive, of a voice) To alter in type due to emotion or strain: in men, generally to go up, in women, sometimes to go down; to crack.
brechen, zerbrechen, abbremsen, anbrechen, aufhören, ausbrechen
  • (transitive) To cause (a person or animal) to lose spirit or will; to crush the spirits of.
  • (intransitive, of a wave of water) To collapse into surf, after arriving in shallow water. A wave breaking.
  • (transitive) To surpass or do better than (a specific number); to do better than (a record), setting a new record.
  • (transitive) To change a steady state abruptly.
brechen, unterbrechen
  • (transitive, intransitive) To stop, or to cause to stop, functioning properly or altogether.
kaputtmachen, kaputtgehen
  • (transitive) To end (a connection); to disconnect.
abbrechen, unterbrechen
  • (intransitive, of morning, dawn, day etc.) To arrive.
  • (transitive) To destroy the arrangement of; to throw into disorder; to pierce.
  • (transitive) To destroy the official character and standing of; to cashier; to dismiss.
anbrechen, dämmern
  • (specifically, in, _, programming) To cause (some feature of a program or piece of software) to stop functioning properly; to cause a regression.
anbrechen, dämmern, wechseln, zu Ende gehen
  • (intransitive, billiards, snooker, pool) To make the first shot; to scatter the balls from the initial neat arrangement.
anstoßen, den Eröffnungsstoß haben
  • (transitive) To cause (a barrier) to no longer bar.
aufbrechen, knacken
  • (transitive, with for) To (attempt to) disengage and flee to; to make a run for.
aufspalten, ausbrechen, ausfallen, einen Ausfall machen, trennen, zum Gegenangriff ansetzen
  • (transitive, gaming, _, slang) To render (a game) unchallenging by altering its rules or exploiting loopholes or weaknesses in them in a way that gives a player an unfair advantage.
aushebeln, knacken
  • (transitive, ergative) To disclose or make known an item of news, a band, etc.
bekannt geben, bekannt machen, herausbringen, herauskommen, publik machen, publizieren
  • (transitive, military, most often in the, _, passive tense) To demote; to reduce the military rank of.
  • (intransitive, of a male voice) To become deeper at puberty.
einen / den Stimmbruch haben
  • (intransitive, of a sound) To become audible suddenly.
  • (transitive) To divide (something, often money) into smaller units.
  • (intransitive) To interrupt or cease one's work or occupation temporarily; to go on break.
  • (intransitive, obsolete) To fail in business; to go broke, to become bankrupt.
verwandeln, wenden, werden
  • (intransitive, of a, _, spell of settled, _, weather) To end.
wechseln, zu Ende gehen
  • To turn an animal into a beast of burden.
zureiten, zähmen

break noun

  /bɹeɪk/ , /bɹiːk/ , [bɹ(ʷ)eɪ̯k]
  • A rest or pause, usually from work.
  • An interval or intermission between two parts of a performance, for example a theatre show, broadcast, or sports game.
Pause, Unterbrechung
  • An instance of breaking something into two or more pieces.
  • The beginning (of the morning).
  • (billiards, snooker, pool) The first shot in a game of billiards.
Anstoß, Eröffnungsstoß
  • An act of escaping.
  • A temporary split with a romantic partner.
  • (tennis) A game won by the receiving player(s).
  • A significant change in circumstance, attitude, perception, or focus of attention.
Bruch, Umbruch, Wechsel
  • (soccer) The counter-attack.
Gegenangriff, Gegenstoß, Konter
  • A physical space that opens up in something or between two things.
Spalt, Öffnung
  • (British, weather) A change, particularly the end of a spell of persistent good or bad weather.

breaking noun

  • (linguistics) A change of a vowel to a diphthong.

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